Cavity Risk Quiz

Our cavity risk quiz is an easy way to assess your child’s cavity risk evaluating some of the more common cavity risk factors. This is not a comprehensive cavity risk evaluation. An in-office dental exam is recommended to provide a more comprehensive cavity risk assessment.

Cavity Risk Quiz

Learn about your child’s cavity risk by answering the questions below:

"*" indicates required fields

1. My child currently has cavities that require treatment.*
2. My child has __ snacks between meals per day.*
3. My child drinks only water between meals.*
4. My child goes to bed with a bottle/sippy cup consisting of:*
5. My child has at least one tooth erupted, is eating other dietary carbohydrates (solid foods) and breast feeds ad libitum*:*
6. My child has recently had a cavity treated that required an extraction or restoration/filling.*
7. My child’s teeth are brushed for 2 minutes twice a day.*
8. My child uses a*:*

*Fluoride is the most well-known dental remineralizing agent. Non-fluoride remineralizing agents include Nano-Hydroxyapatite and CPP – ACP (CPP-ACP is not indicated for preschool children or those with milk allergies.)

9. My child’s teeth are flossed:*
10. My child has had a cleaning and dental exam in the last:*

Is your child in need of an exam or other dental treatment? We can help!