Cavity Risk Quiz


Our cavity risk quiz is an easy way to assess your child’s cavity risk evaluating some of the more common cavity risk factors. This is not a comprehensive cavity risk evaluation. An in-office dental exam is recommended to provide a more comprehensive cavity risk assessment.

Cavity Risk Quiz

Learn about your child's cavity risk by answering the below questions.

"*" indicates required fields

1. My child currently has cavities that require treatment.*
2. My child has __ snacks between meals per day.*
3. My child drinks only water between meals.*
4. My child goes to bed with a bottle/sippy cup consisting of:*
5. My child has at least one tooth erupted, is eating other dietary carbohydrates (solid foods) and breast feeds ad libitum*:*
6. My child has recently had a cavity treated that required an extraction or restoration/filling.*
7. My child’s teeth are brushed for 2 minutes twice a day.*
8. My child uses a*:*

*Fluoride is the most well-known dental remineralizing agent. Non-fluoride remineralizing agents include hydroxyapatite and CPP – ACP (CPP-ACP is not indicated for preschool children or those with milk allergies.)

9. My child’s teeth are flossed:*
10. My child receives:*

*Kids Dental does not recommend parents proceed with any treatment, including fluoride, unless parents are comfortable with it. We are always willing to discuss all aspects of dental care and treatment as parents make the decisions regarding their children’s dental health.

Is your child in need of an exam or other dental treatment? We can help!